Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Am I crazy or.....

So am I crazy or has Destructo created his own word for no?

Me: Booger, put that spoon down please.
Destructo: Dah!
(Inserts spoon back in mouth)

Me: Come back sweetie! Don't go in the dining room.
Destructo: (Stops in motion, slowly turns head, looks me dead in the eye) "Dah Dah!"
Scoots into the dining room to play with the train under the Christmas tree (I know, I still have until tomorrow to take it down!)

Me: Destructo, you get down from that stair and stop climbing on your gate!
Destructo: Dah dah dah dah dah Nah Dah!
Me: Are you sassing me?"
Destructo: DAh nah Dah na Dah Dah!
Doc.Doc: I think he just told you to back off!
Destructo continues to rattle on the gate like King Kong on top of the empire state building.

So ladies, is it possible for a 10 1/2 month old to get sassy or am I just delusional? If you need more info to form a case study, there are more such incidences. I was just curious. I love my son it is just amazing how much changes in a year. It is so awesome to watch his personality grow and I can already tell what it will be like when he's 20. This little defiant streak has me thinking though, could you image him in his teens!

Cut to Scene

Me: So I see your cleats are still in the living room. Could you please put them in your room.
Destructo: Gah mom! Just give me a second!
Me: One. Your second is up.
Destructo: (Eye Roll then stomps down the hall)
Me: (Followin close behind) What did you say?
Destructo: Huh, I didn't say anything!
Me: But you were thinking it! I'm all up in your head so you better check your thoughts young man!

...and Scene

I've wanted to use that last line since I was a teen. My mom used it on me and it would always cause two simultaneous reactions annoyance and paranoia, could she really sense my thoughts? Just wanted to leave you all with some mommy food for thought.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How will you spend your New Years Eve?

Chaz, Destructo, Doctor Doctor and I will be spending ours pounding the pavement. We are participating in the First Annual Fairfax 4-miler. I am very excited and cannot wait to stretch my legs out in a sea of people ranging in age from 0-80. I have something to prove this run. I normally try to race once a month but I kind of overslept the morning of the 8k Reindeer run this month. Doctor Doctor had to go on without us. I love running in official races. Its such a rush! I'm ubber-competitive so it's always inspirational when I get to battle it out with the same handful of runners. You know, the ones you pass only to watch them pass you 2 minutes later. Chaz and Destructo are going to run it with me. Normally destructo sits on the sidelines but I think it will be good to get out there as a family. Its crazy watching how good everyone is! There are people pushing double strollers running 6-minute miles and octogenarians running in under 8-minute miles, it is insane!Well I just want to wish everyone and your families a Happy and Safe New Year (all three of you;P). See you all in 2009!

Best As Seen on TV Product of 2008

Look, don't get me wrong. I love shopping. I am in no way, shape or form an "As seen on TV" addict, HSN addict or any other form of TV shopping addict. To be honest with you, I have A.D.D. (not really but some times I wonder) so by time the commercial goes off I've already forgotten. Don't even get me started on the spokespeople who push these products. Vince from "Shamwow!" with the crazy eye, Billy from 90% of the other commercials and his fake enthusiasm *sigh*.

Anywho, the sis and I were watching the telli when we saw it.Did you hear me people-IT! At first, Doctor doctor expressed interest and I immediately dismissed the idea. I would never be caught with IT in the house. After trying ,to no avail, to dissuade her I slowly started to think. First off, there is no way a package is coming in this house without my name attached to it (pathetic and middle sisterish, I know) and if she's interested then it has to be awesome (once again the middle child comes out). Besides, I knew Chaz wouldn't be interested because it's not very manly so that would leave one person for the resistance.

Everyday we waited by the door diligently for IT to arrive. One thing I did learn from ordering off of the t.v. was when they say 6 weeks, they mean six weeks. I think they ship everything by covered wagon. During my morning commute on week two I even heard my favorite morning DJ's talking about IT. The movement was gaining speed. Week four, Doctor doctor called to see what the hold up was.They hadn't even charged her card yet! That is when she received the dreaded message," Due to an influx of orders, we are currently back ordered". Bumbumbum (You have to hum it with the Law and Order tone).
Something glorious occurred two weeks ago, IT arrived.I guess we beat the worst of the wave of customers and had ours by Christmas. Does that make us trendsetters?

Drumroll please!

INTRODUCING the 2008 winner of Cosmo-Mom in the City's "This never leaves the confines of this blog!" Citation and "Unexpectedly Awesome" Award:
The Snuggie!
I have shunned all other blankets for the past 14 days. The snuggie is exactly what it says it is, a blanket with sleeves. It's genius! I am able to be the blanket hog I have always secretly been without feeling guilty. Anytime Chaz asks, "Can I get a little bit of that?" I say,"Sorry babe (fake sad face), my hands are tied. The sleeves kind of make it a solo person blanket!" then I snicker underneath the warmth and love of my snuggie. I recommend it for anyone who is a blanket hog or lives where it's cold. Word to the wise, you better order now if you want it ready by next winter.
*WARNING* Do not attempt to put more than a few pages in the accompanying free book light clip! I slit my finger on the sharp edge and I promise I could see the bone....ok maybe not the bone but there was definitely blood!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Battle of the Gift Card

2 weeks ago, Doctor Doctor, Destructo and I made a short impromptu three day visit to our home town in California. Yes, that is correct, we flew a combined 10 hours for 55 hours of face time. You have to understand, we come from a small town that will suck you in ever chance it gets, not to mention our family is crazy (especially our extended family). 55 hours is more than enough time to say hello, hug and be extremely offended (trust me)they've done it in less.I digress. Anywho, no one knew we were coming until we arrived at the airport. Due to a 2 hour lay over in New Orleans (who closes all of their kiosk's at 6 pm , by the way) we had to call Daddy to pick us up for fear enterprise car rental was already closed.

The next day we went to visit our Grandmothers. Our mothers mother is in Rehab (she had a stroke) and thus the reason we made the trip. At the Rehab I ran into my Aunt Faith who in a matter of an hour was able to eat all of my food, scare Destructo so bad he rang his hands and insinuate she was coming to visit us in D.C. next summer (negativo).As soon as we arrive at my other Grandmother's house it was just as bad.My Aunt busy-body and Aunt mooch were both there. Aunt mooch is 40 and still lives at home.She also only pays 200 dollars in rent and refuses to help my grandmother get to and from dialysis. I spent the next 4 hours trying to pry my crying baby out of Aunt mooch's hands. I promise her kisses are toxic. Aunt busy-body on the other hand,scrambled to create non-existent presents.

Look, I find myself to be one of the most gracious gift- receivers I know. I never turn down a gift because I find it to be rude and I find use for everything. I always act like it is just what I wanted and never make another peep about it. I find it to be extremely tacky when people openly bash their gifts to the person who gave it to them. Since this is my blog I will share with you my frustration over Aunt busy-body and her gifts. We've had a long sordid past with her and Christmas gifts. It's not that she gives everyone impersonal or horrible presents, my other cousins get great presents (because they are bigger) and we get the "Sorry I forgot about you and this is all they had left" presents. On a good year, we get Vicky-Secrets body wash and a hair comb set from Wal-mart. On a bad year, well lets revisit the ghost I call X-mas closet past. Keep in mind, this all took place after 1999.

There was my sophomore year when I received shiny Kedz and my cousins all got the really awesome Nikes.

My senior year, the cousins got awesome jackets and I got a Pepto Bismol pink sweater oh and I forgot to mention it was made of fur.

When I was 19 I received a gift certificate to Lane Bryant, only problem was I was a size 2 and the smallest size they sell is a size 14!

When I was 22, my cousins got awesome sweaters and I got (wait for it)

Bejeweled Mom jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless to say when she magically found JC Penney gift cards for us this year I was relieved and anxious ( I haven't stepped in one in years). My sister and I made a game of it and found some really awesome finds on clearance.

I found a similar velvet lined black blazer from St. Johns Bay for $12.99.

And this awesome top from Nicole by Nicole Miller for JC Penney for $15.99.

which will go great with my Joe's jeans and black riding boots

Friday, December 26, 2008

Destructo Strikes Again!

I thought maybe you all would get a chuckle out of the e-mail I had to send to all of my friends about my latest cellphone.

My beautiful 5-month old Blackberry pearl is dead. I watched it take its last breath Monday. I hooked it up to life support throughout the night but my efforts were futile. I finally pulled the plug yesterday morning when there had been no sign of recorded brain activity for longer than 12 hours. I am currently in the process of pressing charges but I don't know how well a trial would go with a 10-month old since he cannot defend himself. I think it’s technically illegal. I guess its partially my fault. The next time you think about giving your innocent phone to your teething child to pacify him, think again. Whenever you laugh at your child slobber dialing, think of all of the pain the cellphone is being caused. In its last month of life, my phone's camera and video recorder were broken. Do you know what that makes it? Just a cellphone. No better than the huge one Zack Morris used on Saved by the Bell! Long story short- my phone is broken and with the holiday coming up I probably won't get around to fixing it until next week. If you are even thinking about calling me, please just send me a message. I have to go, I have a funeral to plan. Chew toy's can be sent in lieu of flowers.

Hello Stranger

After months of religiously stalking bloggers of the world, I have decided to participate myself. Everyday, multiple times a day, I catchup on the daily happenings of the masses and finally I have worked up the courage to discuss my life. With over a million some odd bloggers and countless blog stalkers, someone has to find me interesting right?

Lets start with the small stuff. I am originally from the sunny and never cold state of California where everyday consisted of worrying about what to wear and if my hair looked alright. After school, I moved to Hawaii for work where I learned one of two things:
1. No one Knows how to drive. Seriously, just because your neighbor's "Auntie" works at the DMV doesn't mean you should bypass reading the whole book and call in a favor. If you're driving slower than 50 on the freeway, we might have a problem.
2. Sand really can hide in the tiniest of crevices. Nothing like going to a Doc's appt.and getting called out for the tiny beach in your ear canal.

Living in Hawaii for three years was amazing. The beaches were gorgeous, the islands were incredible and there was never a dull moment.Lots of pontoon trips, snorkeling tours, paintball and last but not least booze cruises. For those of you who happen to be land locked, booze cruises are 15-passenger fastboats that cruise around the island and offer unlimited drinks! While living on Oahu my fiance (we'll call him Chaz) and I found out we were pregnant and decided to move back to the mainland. Oahu is a beautiful place to raise a family but I didn't feel comfortable raising a child in a state who annually battled it out for the title of 50th state on the education rankings.

I was transferred to the D.C. area while 7 months pregnant in the dead of winter. Dumb on my part. When you go from 90 degree tropical weather to 30 degree mid-Atlantic weather, the body doesn't handle it well. After a miserable month of waddling in the cold sub-arctic city I soon learned the city could be a harsh place. One particularly frigid morning, I got a little too bold on my walk out to the car and slipped on a patch of ice. After 36-hours under observation with no food (who starves a pregnant woman!) our beautiful baby boy (Destructo) was born.Destructo can destroy anything within a 50-foot radius.If you don't believe me you can ask my phone, necklace, computer, doorstop, carseat, breast pump etc.Since he is under the age of one (barely) I chalk it up to a learning experience...a really expensive learning experience.

After returning from my unexpected maternity leave I quickly fell into the swing of things at work.1 hour commute in (Gotta love that traffic), 8.5 hours of typing like a drone, pick up Destructo, 1 hour commute out. I currently work for one of the largest analytical agencies in the country, where I have worked for 4 years. I worked for one of their outposts in Hawaii. Its definitely interesting. Everyone is over the age of 50 or looks like they are 13 and a child prodigy. I start my morning off with a healthy dose of political banter.Not my own, of course! Oh no, the people in the next set of cubicles (The old schoolers) always start off with a 6 am cup of coffee and politics. For some strange reason, they believe that a cubicle=wall. There is a five foot gap from the top of the cubicles to the ceiling. I find myself trying to scratch my eyes out with dull pencils and staple my ears shut every morning. Around 9 o'clock, the rest of my office rolls in and I watch them do a whole lot of non-work. At 2:30 I promptly log off of my computer (mid-sentence or report on occasion) and head for the daycare.I'm not even going to get started on my trials and tribulations with the daycare, seeing as we've all just met but there will be time for that. I make my daily return commute, do a little listening to music while shaking an angry fist at drivers or trying to hand destructo his bottle that he has conveniently thrown across the backseat. But enough about me. Let's talk about the other players in my life.

"Chaz"- My love, other-half, the guy who eats my left-overs without permission and thinks that feeding destructo a crap-ton of Cheerios is sufficient food(sigh). Chaz is a firefighter and a man's man. I made the mistake of taking him to the symphony once and he whined the whole time. He likes anything to do with the outdoors, sports and cars. He also has a secret love for Mariah Carey (me giving side eye). He's the exact opposite of me. He's ridiculously laid-back and I am extremely anal (the hyperventilating type).

"Doctor Doctor" or "Sis"- My older sister who is in the process of applying for med school. She is the only person who is able to put me in my place and make me see the error of my ways. She's also the level-headed one.She is my partner in crime. I call her obsessively if I get home before she does and email her non-stop at work(she gives me my daily gossip). We spend our time laughing,shopping, working out and shopping (yes, twice. It's that bad).Doc Doc is training for a half marathon and I am going along for the fun.

"Destructo"- My 10-month old son. I knew we had a magical relationship the moment he projectile pooped on me when he was 3-weeks old.Since then, i've cleaned many blowout diapers, watched him scramble up the stairs when the gate was left open and finger paint with slobber on my flatscreen TV for fun. He rules this household with an iron fist. His hobbies include touching the buttons on my laptop, gumming my blackberry and pulling on the blinds for fun.

"The Court"- The row of Town homes the four of us live in on the outskirts of the city. The court is part of a small community of town homes with its very own committee of busy bodies who tape notices to your door for things like "Need to paint front fire cap!". WTF is a fire cap?Seriously, if anyone knows please tell us because we are still scratching our heads.

"The B.F.F."- My best friend and new divorcee mother of two who transferred to the city with me for a fresh start. We met in college and have known each other for seven years. Our love is so severe we have matching Audi's (Player one and Player two) and we've seen each other give birth. Scratch that, I saw her give birth and she fell asleep in the hospital chair during destructo's birth and when we woke her up to tell her they were giving me an emergency c-section, her response was, " Make sure they throw in an extra stitch so you get your killer abs back!" no lie. I have been her maid-of-honor and the person who drove her to the lawyer's to sign her divorce paperwork. We are so inseparable we had to get unlimited minutes on our cellphone for our daily commute chats which consist of conversations ranging from a riveting game of "Oh no she di'int!" to "Guess what the kid did" to "I love my Significant Other but sometimes I could strangle him with my purse straps!".

"Abdul" - Former College ball player and personal trainer to me and my sis. He also has no understanding of the words "It hurts" " I don't think I can go on" and "I'm going to pass out" but does no how to get you back in those pre-baby jeans!

So that was the short list of the primary players in my life. This was a brief introduction of my hectic life and I hope you find it interesting enough to read. I feel so much better declaring myself a blogger versus being a stalker!