Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Am I crazy or.....

So am I crazy or has Destructo created his own word for no?

Me: Booger, put that spoon down please.
Destructo: Dah!
(Inserts spoon back in mouth)

Me: Come back sweetie! Don't go in the dining room.
Destructo: (Stops in motion, slowly turns head, looks me dead in the eye) "Dah Dah!"
Scoots into the dining room to play with the train under the Christmas tree (I know, I still have until tomorrow to take it down!)

Me: Destructo, you get down from that stair and stop climbing on your gate!
Destructo: Dah dah dah dah dah Nah Dah!
Me: Are you sassing me?"
Destructo: DAh nah Dah na Dah Dah!
Doc.Doc: I think he just told you to back off!
Destructo continues to rattle on the gate like King Kong on top of the empire state building.

So ladies, is it possible for a 10 1/2 month old to get sassy or am I just delusional? If you need more info to form a case study, there are more such incidences. I was just curious. I love my son it is just amazing how much changes in a year. It is so awesome to watch his personality grow and I can already tell what it will be like when he's 20. This little defiant streak has me thinking though, could you image him in his teens!

Cut to Scene

Me: So I see your cleats are still in the living room. Could you please put them in your room.
Destructo: Gah mom! Just give me a second!
Me: One. Your second is up.
Destructo: (Eye Roll then stomps down the hall)
Me: (Followin close behind) What did you say?
Destructo: Huh, I didn't say anything!
Me: But you were thinking it! I'm all up in your head so you better check your thoughts young man!

...and Scene

I've wanted to use that last line since I was a teen. My mom used it on me and it would always cause two simultaneous reactions annoyance and paranoia, could she really sense my thoughts? Just wanted to leave you all with some mommy food for thought.


  1. People always assume it's girls that have all the sass but I've got 2 boys and wow, I'm NOT looking forward to their teen years either!

  2. Thanks Ali and Veronica. Yeah I grew up with 2 sisters and I never remember there being any sass before the junior high years!

  3. Boys will be boys. I'm sure Destructo know exactly what he's saying and he probably is telling you to take a hike.

    Our Sam has quite the language of his own. Gdub asks when Sam is going to start talking. I keep telling him that he IS talking and knows exactly what he is saying.

    I raised a girl and a boy and I swear to everybody when we have this conversation that had I had my son first that I would not have had a second child. He was a curtain climber as soon as he could crawl. He's such a sweetheart now, but ooooooh those teen years! LOL good luck!
